On Crypto One, you can easily classify swaps by tracking the contract address as a criteria in a classification rule.
Step 1
You will need to create a swap classification to start. Click on the "New" button in your "Classifications" page and create a new swap classification.
Enter the details of your swap classification and then click on "Add Account".
Step 2
Head to your "Automations" tab.
Step 3
To add a new rule click "+Classification Automation" and select the "Portfolio" rule scope option. This will allow the rule to detect for swaps portfolio-wide.
Click "Next"
Step 4
Enter the Automation Name and a Description. In this example, we used the name "Swap" for the rule and "Swap event" for the description.
Click "Next".
Step 5
Click on the "Criteria #1" dropdown menu and click on the "Contract address" option.
You will need to enter the "Contract address" of your swap into this rule criteria.
Step 6
Go to "Update #1" section and set an Update Type to "Classification" and tie this classification rule to the classification you want it to use. In this case, classification rule of swap to the "Swap" classification and click "Next"
Step 7
Click on "Confirm" and your rule will be created.
Step 8
The last step after creating your rule, is to re-sync the wallet address in which you have the swaps history in. Once you re-sync the wallet, the transactions that are swaps related to the contract address you inputed into the rule will be classified automatically.