In this tutorial, we will explore how to split a transaction. This feature is useful if you are looking to classify different transactions that were issued in one large group.
For example, you can use to issue many transactions at once and paying only one on-chain gas/transaction fee. In bookkeeping, tracking the transaction event alone will display the one large disposition. On Crypto One, you can split the disposition transaction into multiple smaller transactions to properly classify them.
Step 1
Select the transaction you want to split on the Transactions page then click on the data ops menu.
Step 2
Click on the Split Transaction button.
Step 3
On the Transaction Split menu, you can decide to split the transaction by amount or by percentage. In this example, we chose to split by amount in three transactions.
Step 4
Classify the split transactions into their differing categories and click on the Split Transaction to confirm.
Your transaction should now be split into the amounts that you selected.