How to synchronize onto Cryptoworth
If synchronizing only CSVs
Follow Step 1
Check the "Use CSVs for transactions" box
Click the Sync Account bar
Your account in now synchronized.
If synchronizing via API
Step 1: Select in the dropdown menu
Name your account connection (optional)
You will see two bars requiring the API key and API secret key of your account.
Step 2: Login to your account
Head to profile, under the profile dropdown head to API Management
Under the API Management page, label and create your API
Step 3: Disable "Enable Spot Trading" permission
Click Edit restrictions
Uncheck the Enable Spot Trading box
Click Save
You will see that upon creating the API Binance will default the permissions to "Can Read" and "Enable Spot Trading". Cryptoworth does not require any trade permissions of any kind, please disable the Enable Spot Trading permission
WARNING: Cryptoworth only requires Read-Only API permissions. Cryptoworth is void of any liability associated with accounts synchronized with any other API permissions.
Step 4: Synchronize your API Key and Secret Key onto Cryptoworth
Populate the API Key and Secret Key onto Cryptoworth
Click the Sync Account bar
Your account is now synchronized.