How to synchronize Kucoin onto Cryptoworth
Synchronizing via Kucoin API
Step 1: Select Kucoin in the dropdown menu
Name your account connection (optional)
You will see three bars requiring the API key, API secret key, and the API PassPhrase of your Kucoin account.
Step 2: Login to your Kucoin account
Hover cursor over the profile tab
On the dropdown menu, click on API Management
Click on Create API Key
Step 3: Create your Kucoin API
Name your API
Create your API Passphrase
Ensure only "General" under API Restrictions is toggled on and that "Trade" and "Transfer" are toggled off
Select IP Restriction setting
Click on Next
When creating a new API under your Kucoin account, the API permissions should default to General (Read-Only permission).
Decide whether to restrict the IP address by whitelisting an IP address if yes or opting for no IP restriction.
Step 4: Enter 2FA credentials
Enter trading password
Enter email verification code
Enter 2FA code
Click on confirm
Step 5: Synchronize your API Key, Secret Key, and Passphrase onto Cryptoworth
Populate the Passphrase, API key, and Secret Key onto Cryptoworth
Click the Sync Account bar
Your Kucoin account is now synchronized.